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Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

How to Reduce Blackheads Effectively!

Hai! Udah lama saya gak post di blog ini yaaa!:( Beberapa bulan ini saya lagi banyak urusan yang ribeeet banget, jadi saya hampir gak punya waktu buat edit draft yang udah saya tulis di blog ini. Tapi saya yakin kamu gak mau tahu! Haha Kali ini saya mau kasih tau salah satu tips buat ngurangin blackheads atau komedo yang biasanya banyak menghiasi hidung. Ew! Rasanya saya udah lama banget berurusan dengan komedo. Awalnya saya coba perawatan fasial yang sakit banget itu lho, cuma satu kali itu dan gak mau datang lagi. Karena perawatannya gak teratur, jadilah komedo di hidung makin merajalela. Tau kan rasanya kalau pakai make up agak tebel dan pasti di bagian hidung keliatan jelek karena komedo! AARRGHH!!! Postingan kali ini gak akan panjang kayaknya, karena saya cuma punya beberapa tips aja buat ngurangin komedo. Semoga tipsnya bagus juga di kulit kamu! Let's get down to the point! Menurut saya, mencuci wajah pakai facial foam yang cocok untuk kulit ka...

Being An Old Soul

If I have to describe myself, I think the words OLD  SOUL fit me the most. Even though I like to put on a tough look, I actually feel left out almost as often. I also often feel misunderstood and find myself in a tough spot to explain myself, but explaining myself is so hard! So I give up and then feel left out again. Maybe because of that, I often feel miserable and lonely. I want a company of someone who can feel me completely, so bad! That's how desperate I am. Ask people around me what kind of person I am! I am sure they will say that I am cheerful and nice to be around with, I could say I am a quite good company because I have high level of empathy. Maybe that's why I'm quite popular among my students (pure narcissism). That's what other people are saying and I actually want to believe it. But, I can't help but wonder whether what they say was true or not. I also often find myself insincere towards others, so when people say nice things to me, I also wonder ...