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How High Schoolers Act These Days

Hello! How ya doin, peeps?
I feel so great that I can write this post after a long while (altough today is not my lucky day)!
Actually I have some drafts I can't post yet, sooo... my blog is pretty quite these days, then I came up with this post! A story that just happened yesterday, fresh from the oven!

I am a teacher and I have been teaching English for a year or more, for these four months I teach at a course near a university I go to. I have taught children, high schooler and even college student. Well, I'm most comfortable with teaching a high schoolers and college students because they could be my debate partner, a friend, and the most important thing is they understand my jokes, also I could easily tease them, because I'm not so old than them, we easily become closer. I deserve their respect, though.

So, yesterday I was in a rush and decided to ask one of my student to take me home, because I had a presentation and a paper to write for the next day (which is today, and I ended up not coming to class and lost my point. So sad, really! I am sad!).
The one who took me home was a high schooler, he rarely came up at my class but he was coming early yesterday.
And you know what, the reason he wasn't coming at a course was to modified his motorcycles from a normal motorcycle to a annoyingly noisy and smoke producing motorcycle! A 15 years old boy modified his own motorcycles! I hope he'd stop wasting his parents' money and just come up at my class. LOL seriously, though!

The story went like this:
Me: "So, guys I need a ride home! Seriously."
Almost all of my students pointed at him, and I ask him to take me home.
High schooler: Tapi motornya berisik, ga apapa, Miss?
When he said that, I never thought that his motorcycle was that noisy. Yas, it was sooo noisy! Really really really not great for your ears. But in the end, I let me ride that kind of motorcycle, because if I refuse him, I might be embarrassed him in front of his course friends.
What a great teacher I am!

Riding a motorcycle like that he said was not for a slow ride, it had to be ridden fast so the noisy didn't stand out that much. Yeah, I almost forgot to say that the pedals for passenger were none to be found. Also there's no hand-grip, I didn't know where to hold. Such a hell ride! Lol
And one more thing to complain, the exhaust without filter producing a lot of smoke and it smells really bad, and the smell stuck on my clothes, even on my body!
But thanks to him I arrived at my flat really fast. Thanks, high schooler! ;)

Well, despite being a high schooler or an adult, I think that kind of motorcycle is not useable, it caused air pollution and annoying. I used to swear a lot when I saw someone rides that kind of motorcycle. Moreover it is embarrassing to ride that kind of motorcycle, right, right? Cause you stand out so much, well, except you ride a really great and expensive motorcycle, I don't mind.


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